Works From The Personal Collection Of The Former Mayor Odir Rocha Can Be Consulted In Esmat Library

The Library of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) informs that the works donated by Mrs Dirce Noda Rocha, wife of the writer and former mayor of the city of Palmas, are already available for consultation. The donation, made last year, includes books from the personal collection of Manoel Odir Rocha.

Among the works, rare and historical titles stand out, including examples dating from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, such as a 1918 edition of “OS LUSÍADAS” by Luís de Camões, which are now part of the collection of the Esmat Library. Due to the delicacy of these books, access to them is allowed only on site, thus ensuring their preservation and proper handling.

With the inclusion of these works, the collection of the School is strengthened, offering the community of the State of Tocantins new opportunities to promote education and expand scientific research.

Check out the full list of works available clicking here.

About Odir Rocha

Foto: Divulgação

Manoel Odir Rocha, born in the city of Araguari (MG) in 1941, was a politician, physician, writer and poet. He served as mayor of the cities of Colinas (1989-1993) and Palmas (1997-2000), in addition to hold important positions as state and municipal secretary. He also held the chair no 12 of the Academy of Letters of the city of Palmas and the chair no 29 of the Academy of Letters of the State of Tocantins.

Throughout his life, he published books such as “DO AMOR À TERRA” (FROM THE LOVE TO THE EARTH) (2002) and “AUSCULTANDO A VIDA” (LISTENING TO LIFE) (2005), being widely recognized for its cultural and political contributions. He was honored in the 6TH edition of the Book Fair and, in 2007, received the title of Citizen of the State of Tocantins. Odir Rocha died in 2022, at the age of 81, after a battle with cancer.

In addition to the donated works, the Esmat Library also has titles published by the writer himself, which are available for consultation and loan. The titles can be searched in the virtual library of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO).

Esmat library

The new copies are added to the collection of more than 20,000 titles of the Library. Access for study and consultation is free for all. Only home loan is restricted to magistrates, servers and trainees of the Judiciary Branch of the State of Tocantins, and to Graduate students of ESMAT (only during the course period).

The library is open to the public from Monday to Friday, from 12 to 6 pm.

For more information on the works available or to consult specific chapters, interested can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone (63) 3218-4357.

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