Competence Management In The Tjto: Deadline For Completion Of The Workforce Sizing Instrument Is Extended Until Friday (September 13th)

The 1st degree judicial units that have not yet completed the workforce sizing sheets of the Program for Management by Competencies (GPC) have until next Friday (September 13th) to complete this stage. The deadline was extended to meet all those who were with some difficulty with the instrument or still evaluate and modify information in materials, if they have not yet been validated. 

From this stage, the Court of Justice of the Stage of Tocantins (TJTO) will raise all necessary information that will contribute in making decisions, in a fair and clear way, meeting the desires of the collaborators and the institution.

 "The filling is essential, because it is an opportunity to talk about what you do and how to collaborate for improvements in the judiciary," said the manager of the Management by Competencies project, Joyce Coelho Nogueira.

To reach this stage, all the servers involved attended a meeting of alignment and received necessary guidance on filling out the spreadsheets. Even so, if there are doubts, just contact the Laboratory of Organizational Behavior Management (Gestcom) by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Click here and access the tutorials to fill out the questionnaires. 

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