Initiatives Aimed At Pacification Of Conflicts And Efficiency Of The Judiciary Can Compete For The Conciliate Is Legal Award

Magistrates, servers, mediation and conciliation instructors, lawyers, professors, students, courts, Educational institutions and companies with good practices aimed at the effective pacification of conflicts and for the improvement and efficiency of the Judiciary can compete for the XV Edition of the Conciliate is Legal Award.

The award is promoted by the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and registration of magistrates and servers should be made until September 27th, in the thematic axis on "Conciliation and Mediation" of the Portal of the CNJ of Good Practices of the Judiciary. For the others, registration must be made in the period from September 9th to 27th, through the form available on the electronic page of the CNJ.

The award seeks to contribute to the effective pacification of conflicts, improvement and efficiency of the judiciary. The objective is to identify, reward, disseminate and encourage the implementation of modernization actions within the judiciary that contribute to the approximation of the parties, their effective pacification and improvement of justice.

Regulated by the Ordinance of the Presidency n. 238 of the CNJ, of July 23rd of 2024, the award includes the categories of court, individual Judge, instructors of mediators and conciliators, superior education, mediation and out-of-court conciliation, complex or collective claims, and advocacy.

Conciliation Week

The Ordinance n. 238 of the CNJ, also regulates the XIX National Conciliation Week, scheduled to occur in the period from November 4th to 8th. The conciliation week consists of the annual collective institutional effort, in favor of the Judicial Policy of Adequate Treatment of Conflicts, held over a week, organized by the CNJ, whose membership by the Brazilian courts is voluntary.

Honorable mention will be given to the courts that achieve the highest Conflict Resolution Index within their justice segment.

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