Esmat Strengthens Education In Quilombola Community With Donation Of 360 More Books

On Friday afternoon (June 28th), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) delivered 365 books to the Horácio José Rodrigues Municipal School, located in the Quilombola Community of Barra do Aroeira, in the city of Santa Tereza do Tocantins. The action is an initiative of librarian Silvânia Olortegui, who organizes book collection campaigns every semester, promoting social inclusion and access to education.

Upon receiving the books, coordinator Jucileide Alves Cardoso Campos expressed her gratitude for the campaign and the donation. "I'd like to say how happy I am that this beautiful initiative has reached our school today. We did a reading project a few days ago, the theme of which was 'Reading is an adventure'. I saw a great effect in this project and now, receiving these books, it will certainly be much better for us to develop this type of action, because the children will feel more motivated," she said.

With around a hundred children registered, Jucileide commented on the importance of the school for the community, highlighting its relevance in preserving and passing on traditions and cultural identity. 

"Our children already enjoy reading, but with these books they will feel even more motivated. Our biggest role as educators today is to motivate them. When you manage to motivate them, it's already a big step," she said.

In a statement, the coordinator praised the initiative. "I just want to say thank you, it's a very beautiful project and I hope you continue to do this with other communities, which I know will thank you in the same way and be as happy as we are."

For librarian Silvânia Olortegui, "making social donations of books is important for many reasons, because it contributes to the individual and community development in many ways. In many communities, especially in disadvantaged areas, access to books and educational materials is limited. Donating books can help reduce this inequality by providing resources that would otherwise not be available."

Silvânia also highlighted the importance of donating books for the environment. "Donating books instead of discarding them contributes to environmental sustainability, promoting the reuse of resources. These points show that book donations have a profound and far-reaching impact, promoting education, social cohesion, emotional well-being and sustainability," she elaborated.

This initiative by Esmat not only enriches the collection of the school, but also strengthens community ties, promotes reading and values local culture, highlighting the importance of continuous action for educational development.

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