Esmat Launches Book Collection Campaign For School In The Barra De Aroeira Quilombola Community

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) is promoting a campaign to collect literary books for the Horácio José Rodrigues Municipal School, located in the Barra de Aroeira Quilombola Community in the city of Santa Tereza do Tocantins.

Which books can be donated? New and/or used books of Brazilian literature can be donated, with a special focus on literature for children. Donations can include genres such as novel, novella, short story, chronicle, poem, theater and drama.

Where can I deliver the books? Donations will be accepted from Monday to Friday, from 12pm to 6pm, at the Esmat Library: Q. 302 North Street 1, 1-165 TO, ZIP CODE 77006-328 – North Director Plan, Palmas-TO.

In addition to its academic activities, Esmat is also committed to develop social actions aimed at promoting reading, with the aim of providing access to literary works for the community of the State of Tocantins, contributing to education and the cultural development of our State.

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