In order to receive suggestions and proposals for the preparation of the National Goals of the Judiciary for 2025, the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) will hold a public consultation from June 17th to July 2nd, with the aim of improving judicial provision.
The public consultation is in accordance with the Resolution 221/2016 of the CNJ, which establishes principles of participatory and democratic management in the preparation of the national goals of the Judiciary and the judicial policies of the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and it is carried out by the 27 State Courts of Brazil, through the National Network of Collaborative Governance of State Justice, Participatory Management, coordinated by the Court of Justice of the State of Bahia (TJBA).
The survey is an opportunity for society as a whole to contribute to a faster, more efficient and higher quality judiciary. To take part, simply click on this link and access the forms according to the respective profiles:
- Citizen
- Lawyer
- Defender
- Member of the State Prosecution;
- Magistrate
- Civil server.
National Goals
The goals represent the commitment made by the Presidents of the Brazilian courts to improve the delivery of justice services to citizens, with the aim of making society fairer and more inclusive. Since its creation by the Resolution 70/2009 of the CNJ (repealed by the Resolution 198/2014 of the CNJ), the bodies of the Judiciary have met annually to redefine the goals and to outline the strategies for the following year.
Currently, they are National Goals of the Judiciary:
Goal 1 – Judge more cases than distributed
Goal 2 – Judge the oldest cases
Goal 3 - Encourage conciliation
Goal 4 - Prioritize the judgment of cases relating to crimes against public administration, administrative improbity and electoral offenses
Goal 5 - Reduce the congestion rate, except for tax foreclosures
Goal 8 - Prioritize the judgment of cases related to femicide and domestic and family violence against women
Goal 9 - Stimulate innovation in the judiciary
Goal 10 — Promoting environmental lawsuits and lawsuits related to the rights of the indigenous and quilombola communities
Goal 11 — Childhood and Youth