Esmat Holds Special Literary Tea With The Participation Of Students From The Padre Josimo School

The second Literary Tea of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), held in its auditorium, delighted everyone who attended with debates on the literature of the State of Tocantins, film exhibitions and lectures. The ceremony was attended by librarian Silvânia Olortegui; professor Rubens Martins da Silva, from the State University of Tocantins (Unitins); principal Maria Alice Thomaz Soares, from the Padre Josimo Moraes Tavares School; Dídimo Heleno Póvoa Aires, editor of the Judiciary column in the Journal of Tocantins, presenter of the CBN Justice column on CBN Tocantins Radio, a member of the Masonic Academies of Letters of the cities of Palmas, Dianópolis and the State of Tocantins; and civil server and author Orion Milhomem, from the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins.

At the opening of the event, there was a musical cultural presentation of poems that were transformed into music by the interpreter Onassis Costa. The songs chosen were: “E agora José? (And now, Jose?), by Carlos Drummond de Andrade”, “Monte castelo (Castle Mount), by Legião Urbana, with a reference to the poem ‘Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver (Love is a fire that burns without being seen)’, by Luís de Camões, and to the Holy Bible, First Epistle to the Corinthians”, and “Motivos (Motives), by the singer Fagner and a poem by Cecília Meireles”.

Librarian Silvânia Olortegui, an Esmat employee and organizer of the event, highlighted the sparkle in the eyes of the young people. "We organize these events so that they can see that anyone can go as far as they want, the sky is the limit! People who like to read can be whatever they want to be in life. We had this exchange with society and were able to show them a little of what we, as civil servers, can contribute to build them up,” she said.

Film Festival

The program was supported by the Social Service of Commerce (Sesc-Tocantins), with film screenings. The screening of “Amei te ver” - directed by Ricardo Garcia from São Paulo, the love story of a deaf boy and a blind girl touched everyone. “The Adventures of Tita”, by Eduardo Padrão from Pernambuco, which portrays the environmental issue in Brazilian biomes, was also a success.

Lectures and Presentations 

Professor Rubens Martins da Silva, from Unitins, presented the participants with his research project, which aims to bring together the names and works of authors from the State of Tocantins. He explained the importance of this systematization: “We have two years to carry out the project, so we want this site to have as many writers from the State of Tocantins as possible, with whom you, the teachers and school principals, can work on these literary works.” 

Orion Milhomem, a civil server from the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, shared his experience with poetry, and read a poem from the launch of his third book, entitled “No embalo do coração” (In the heartbeat); he recited Amizade é querer bem (Friendship is wanting well):

Friendship is wanting well,

is being able to pay attention,

it's hearing the voice of the other person

and reaching out to them.

Friendship is being close

when you don't have time,

it's chatting away

and enjoying the moment.

Friendship is harmony

respecting differences,

it's having a good laugh

on those intense nights.

Friendship is being loyal

and giving of yourself fully,

it's giving your all

and knowing that it's worth it!

Dídimo Heleno Póvoa, a member of the Academy of Letters of the city of Palmas, expressed his enthusiasm for reading. “Esmat is to be congratulated for this initiative, because reading really does change the lives of people.” His career includes studies in the cities of Goiânia, Anápolis and also in our State, and it was through his studies and a lot of reading that he is currently a lawyer and presenter of a legal program on a radio station in the capital.

Amanda Fonseca, a nutrition student at the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), stressed the importance of events like this to foster admiration for books and the habit of reading. "I think the event was very fun and useful. I enjoyed the musical performances and the poetry reading,” she said.


About the library of Esmat 

Esmat has a library open to the public from 12 noon to 6 pm, with an air-conditioned environment and more than 10,000 consultative books. Visit us and feed your inner reader at our headquarters, Block 302 North, Street 1.

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