After Meeting With The Pope, Chief Raoni Comes To The City Of Palmas To Speak On "Human Rights, The Environment And Indigenous Peoples"

Foto: Divulgação Vatican News

After visiting Rome (Italy) on Thursday (May 16th) during a meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, Chief Raoni delivered a letter asking for support to raise awareness among parliamentarians and government officials about the importance of protecting forests. The indigenous leader is giving a lecture next Tuesday (21st) at 2pm in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins in the city of Palmas.

During an audience in the Clementine Hall, Pope Francis received about two hundred participants in the meeting promoted by the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences, with the theme on "From the climate crisis to climate resilience". The event highlighted the urgency of protecting people and nature in the face of increasing climate change.

Pope Francis congratulated the Academies for leading efforts to create a universal resilience protocol and stressed that the poorest populations, who have little to do with polluting emissions, need to receive more support and protection.


The lecture with Chief Raoni will be held in the auditorium of the Court of Justice of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) to better accommodate the public and ensure the safety of all participants. With three hundred and eighty vacancies available, the lecture is open to the general public and promises to be a unique opportunity.

This event is part of the Program for the Socio-Political Inclusion of the Indigenous Peoples, approved by the United Nations, and it will be an essential platform for discussing the protection of forests and the rights of indigenous peoples.

In his speech at the Vatican, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of safeguarding natural riches, such as the Amazon and Congo basins, peatlands, mangroves, oceans, coral reefs, farmland and polar ice caps, for their contribution to reduce global carbon emissions. The lecture will be an opportunity to better understand the symphony of cooperation and global solidarity needed to face the climate crisis.

Register clicking here.

Information from the Vatican News.

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