Justice Marco Villas Boas, general director of esmat, receives the Order of Military Judicial Merit at a ceremony marking the 216th anniversary of the Federal Military Justice System

Held on April 10th, in Brasília/DF, the Army Club celebrated the 216th anniversary of the Federal Military Justice (JMU), marked by the presentation of the Commendations of the Order of Military Judicial Merit (OMJM). The event, which marks such a significant date for Brazilian Military Justice, was led by the Chancellor of the Order, the President of the Superior Military Court (STM), Minister Air Lieutenant Brigadier Francisco Joseli Parente Camelo.

It should be noted that Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat) and President of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of the Magistracy (Copedem), was one of the recipients of the OMJM Commendation, honored by Minister Artur Vidigal of the STM, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the academic training of the Brazilian judiciary and his commitment to ethics and justice.

The Order of Military Judicial Merit is awarded to members of the Federal Military Justice and also to magistrates, jurists, members of the Federal Prosecution, the Federal Public Defender's Office, the Federal General Attorney’s Office, the Armed Forces and other public or private institutions, national or foreign, who, for their services, have become worthy of homage from the Federal Military Justice.

The purpose of the OMJM, established by the STM on June 12th, 1957, is to honor people and institutions, public or private, national or foreign, by awarding insignia in the degrees of Grand Cross, High Distinction, Distinction and Good Service.

The ceremony represents recognition for all those honored, highlighting the importance of the Federal Military Justice and its fundamental role in preserving order and legal security in the country.


The edition of the OMJM of this year honored several prominent personalities and institutions with the highest degree of the Commendation, the Grand Cross: Justices Cristiano Zanin and Flávio Dino of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), as well as the General Attorney of the Republic, Paulo Gonet. Four institutions were also honored with the Commendation: the White Cisne Swan sailing ship, the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA), the Weapons Sergeants Training School (EASA) and the Order of Altaneiras Association.

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