Enfam Will Hold National Meeting Of Trainers

The National Meeting of Trainers will take place on February 27th and 28th in Brasilia. The event is an initiative of the National School for the Training and Improvement of Magistrates (Enfam) with the aim of improving educational practices. Topics such as educational planning, assessment for learning and active methodologies will be covered. Guarantee your place by filling in the registration form by February 20th.

Check out the event programming:

1st Day – Morning: The first day will feature a dialog between peers and experts, addressing fundamental aspects of the development of educational actions in the training of the judiciary. With the participation of important trainers, the conversation will seek to indicate theoretical and practical guidelines, in line with the pedagogical directives of the School.

The focus will then turn to the active methodologies for face-to-face and distance education. Lecturers will share insights on innovative approaches in the training of trainers.

1st Day – Afternoon: The afternoon will be dedicated to practical workshops, providing an immersion in planning and coordinating educational actions to develop competencies. Participants will have the opportunity to choose among different workshops, such as assessment for learning, storytelling, active methodologies for professional training and guidance for teaching in distance learning. Each workshop will provide a practical experience applicable to the context of judicial training.

2nd Day – Morning and Afternoon: The second day will offer a repetition of the workshops, allowing the participants to explore the multiple themes in depth. The flexible program, which includes breaks, allows for active participation adapted to the participants.

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