President Of The TJTO, Justice Etelvina Sampaio Opens Judicial Year Highlighting Important Marks And Renewing Commitment To The People Of The State Of Tocantins

Foto: Rondinelli Ribeiro (TJTO)

"As we officially open the Judicial Year of 2024, we must reflect on the way we have traveled so far and envision the future we want to build together," said the President of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, during the opening ceremony of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins on Thursday (February 1st). The ceremony was held in the Room of Sessions of the Full Court of the TJTO, with the presence of magistrates, authorities and civil servers, and also marked the celebrations of the 35th anniversary of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. 

"In 2023, when we began our term, we chose the promotion of a 'Closer and More Innovative Justice' as the driving force behind all our actions."

quoted the President as she took stock of the activities carried out in her first year at the head of the Court of the State of Tocantins, with the aim of delivering a fast justice to the people of the State of Tocantins, which promotes human dignity and strengthens citizenship.

In order to be present in the daily lives of the citizens of the State of Tocantins, the Justice mentioned important marks for her administration in 2023. Among the projects, the President mentioned the Innovation Center of the Judiciary - Inovassol; the SimplesToc program, which seeks to promote the simplification of language; the beginning of the implementation of artificial intelligence in the Eproc electronic process system; and the Educajus project: a conversation with justice, which brought the Judiciary closer to students by visiting public schools in the districts of Guaraí and Tabocão.

A restructuring of the Judiciary was also promoted, which will allow for the arrival of new Judges, Justices and civil servers and a new classification of courts. 

"We have made progress in the physical structure of our headquarters by inaugurating the new Forum of the District of Colméia, a modern and sustainable building."

added the President, emphasizing that the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins values sustainability. "This is an important value that we bring to our mission. With the conscious use of natural resources, we guarantee savings in water, energy, fuel and paper."

As a demonstration of this commitment, Justice Etelvina mentioned the activity reports of 2023, released during the ceremony, which for the first time were produced 100% virtually. All the actions mentioned by the President and other projects developed in 2023 are included in the Activity Reports of 2023, which can be accessed via QR Codes made available to those present during the ceremony. The data is also available on the website of the TJTO (see links below).

Integrated action

In order for all the actions to be carried out, the President highlighted the union of forces and the contribution of everyone. "We work together with our valued staff, magistrates, civil servers, collaborators and the institutions that make up the justice system," she emphasized.

Even with all the achievements, the President considered that there is still much to be done, and renewed the commitment of the Judiciary to the population of the State of Tocantins. "We want to be a reference not just in the decisions we make, but in the way we relate to society," she said.

Present authorities 

In addition to the Justices who make up the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, the honorees included the General Attorney, Luciano Casaroti; the Public Defender, Estellamaris Postal; the President of the Association of Magistrates of the State of Tocantins (Asmeto), Judge Odete Almeida; the President of the Brazilian Bar Association - Tocantins Section, Gedeon Pitaluga Júnior; the President of the Court of Auditors of the State, Councilor André Luiz de Matos Gonçalves; the Mayor of the city of Palmas, Cinthia Ribeiro; State Deputy Eduardo Mantoan, representing the President of the Legislative Assembly, Deputy Amélio Cayres; and the Chief Secretary of the Civil House, Deocleciano Gomes Filho, representing State Governor Wanderlei Barbosa.


Judge Sérgio Aparecido Paio, who died on Wednesday (January 31st) in the city of Araguaína, was remembered at the Opening Ceremony of the Judicial Year of 2024. At the start of the event, an emotional Justice Etelvina asked for a moment of silence in respect for the memory of the magistrate. "We begin this year with one less member of the judiciary. Our friend Sérgio Paio, a magistrate with a vocation, was part of this story," she said.

On the occasion, a video tribute to Judge Sérgio Paio was broadcast, moving those present who gave a round of applause for the memory, dedication and legacy left by the magistrate.

The session was broadcast live via the internet on the YouTube channel of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins and it can be seen here

Access the Activity reports:

PJTO Report 

CGJUS Report

Esmat Report 

Ombudsman Report 

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