Through a partnership between the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), the thesis defenses of the first class of the Interinstitutional Doctorate (DINTER) in Regional Development were completed. For the first class, 11 new doctors made up of magistrates from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins defended their theses over the course of the year. Among the topics researched were the empowerment of traditional communities, artificial intelligence, the prison system and resocialization, agrarian and environmental conflicts, access to justice, among others.
In addition to this completed class, two other Doctorate programs are underway in Law (Uniceub and Puc-Rio) and, for 2024, a Doctorate class in Computational Modeling is planned, as well as its own Doctorate in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, which is in the educational proposal study phase. Under the same program, the Professional Master's Degree is already in its 11th class. Another selection process is expected for 2024.
All these advances are the result of the visionary perception that offering academic training to the legal professionals of the State not only strengthens the pool of specialists in the area, but also contributes directly to the formulation of public policies, economic growth strategies and improvement of the quality of life of the population. For Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat and President of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM), the consolidation of the first Doctorate confirms the commitment of Esmat in offering STRICTO SENSU postgraduate programs, being one of the first in the country to offer a Master's program for magistrates and civil servers of the Brazilian Judiciary. "The STRICTO SENSU training process of Esmat began with the certainty that only with the implementation of a system of continuous improvement and qualification, which begins with initial training, goes through permanent updating and continues with LATO SENSU training, reaching its apex with the training of researchers, we would achieve the consolidation of a School effectively focused on the improvement of the provision of justice, which is only possible through professional performance with a humanistic and critical view of jurisdiction and development," he recalled.
First Professional Master’s offered by a School of the Judges
On the importance of constant training for magistrates and civil servers in the Brazilian judiciary, the Justice emphasizes the importance of an academic debate in the legal environment, resulting in scientific products that can and should be implemented in all judicial activities. "I cannot fail to mention my uncompromising, nationally known position on the need and possibility of continuous LATO and STRICTO SENSU training for Judges and civil servers in the Judiciary, both locally and nationally, with quality scientific research applied to the jurisdiction and administrative activities of the Courts of Justice. It was with this aim in mind that Copedem and Esmape joined forces with the University of Lisbon to offer the first Master's degree exclusively for magistrates at national level. I had the opportunity and privilege of being part of the small group that thought up and designed this audacious initiative," he argued.
About Esmat
With a renowned performance in the training and educational process of magistrates, civil servers and members of civil society, the LATO and STRICTO SENSU postgraduate courses of Esmat have already trained 1,315 people, bringing academic updating, improving the provision of justice and strengthening the promotion and appreciation of human rights. As a result of the collective work of professors, academics and civil servers, in 2022 Esmat was awarded concept 4 by Capes, which authorizes the school to submit a pedagogical project to create its own doctorate.
Esmat Journal
Now in its 25th edition, ESMAT Journal, a scientific journal rated B1 by Capes, aims to be a motivating tool for the dissemination of legal and interdisciplinary knowledge produced by magistrates, students, professors, civil servers, lawyers, members of the State Prosecution Office and other members of the legal community, in other words, a vehicle for the continuous improvement of discussions on Law and the Social Sciences, in order to stimulate academic and scientific debate.
International Congress
The school also holds an annual International Congress. This year, the theme of the 15th edition of the International Congress on Human Rights was "For a more Accessible and Effective Justice in Defense of Human Rights". The event is held by the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) in partnership with the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), and organized by the Master's Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights. The Congress took place from September 13th to 15th, in the auditorium of the Court of Justice, in the city of Palmas (TO).
Check here the list of the new doctors and their respective researches.