Justice Elcio Sabo Mendes and Judge Bruno Perrotta de Menezes, both from the Court of Justice of the State of Acre (TJAC), took part in a meeting with the team from the Information Technology Directorate (DTINF) of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) to present the Eproc System.
During the presentation, Justice Jacqueline Adorno de La Cruz Barbosa highlighted the usefulness and ease of the system, emphasizing the importance of sharing knowledge about this tool with other judicial institutions.
“I hope you make good use of the Eproc system and that it is as useful to you as it is to us," she said.
The presentation was given by Pamela da Rocha Pires Ferreira, who explained in detail how the system works and its benefits. In her speech, she emphasized that Eproc works to combat procedural delays, eliminating bureaucracy and speeding up the processing of court cases.

In addition, the meeting provided an opportunity to discuss doubts and issues related to the use, application and possible challenges that may arise in the process of migrating to the Eproc System.
Judge Bruno Perrotta took the opportunity to praise the effectiveness of the system, mentioning how quickly information is made available, facilitating communication with lawyers and parties involved in cases. Justice Jacqueline Adorno clarified some aspects of using the system and the process of adapting the platform.
"It's important to establish that civil servers are also part of the system, so it's everyone's responsibility. Train your public, sensitize your civil servers," he added.
The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) acts in an integrated manner by developing training related to the subject for magistrates, lawyers and civil servers. The school offers workshops related to the system, including a self-instructional course on the Usability and Feeding of Criminal Data into the Eproc System.
Justice Elcio Sabo emphasized the importance of the partnership between the institutions (TJAC/Esmat), highlighting the existing cooperation agreement for the exchange of experiences.
"We have this cooperation agreement to exchange experience of what we have in the State of Tocantins on a day-to-day basis with what we have on a day-to-day basis in the State of Acre. So this exchange of experience is very valid. We are taking various courses to our civil servers and magistrates run by Esmat", he commented.
The meeting was attended by Justice Jacqueline Adorno de La Cruz Barbosa; General Director of the TJTO Ana Karina Mendes Souto; Judicial Director Wallson Brito da Silva; Information Technology Director Alice Carla de Sousa Setúbal; Analyst Angelo Stacciarini; civil servers Juliane Fernandes; Pamela Pires; Valéria Bodas; Judicial Technician of the TJAC Breno Cavalcante do Nascimento; and Analyst Maria das Graças Dias Pinheiro Castro.