The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) has a full agenda of courses and events scheduled for September. Check out the main activities planned:
Class II of the course on "Financial Education for Consumers - My Accounts up to Date at Cejusc" is already in full progress. The program runs until October 10th.
The Supervised Internship of the National Council of Mediation and Conciliation of Justice Course began recently and it will continue until December 15th. The Basic English course begins next week, on September 11th.
The XV International Congress on Human Rights with the theme "FOR A MORE ACCESSIBLE AND EFFECTIVE JUSTICE IN DEFENSE OF RIGHTS" will take place on September 13th, 14th and 15th, with a series of mini-courses covering topics such as "Legal Capital and the Means of Self-Composition of Conflicts", "Criminal System and Human Rights", "Decision Making and Credibility of Testimony", and "Nietzsche: Critique of Culture and Critique of Fanaticism and Fundamentalism". For more information on registration, the full programming and speakers, click here.
Aimed at civil servers and magistrates in the Porto Nacional district, the Health of Workers Lecture will be held on September 15th.
On September 18th and 19th, the Accreditation course on the new Bidding and Contracts Law will provide the participants with knowledge on the new rules and procedures established by the Law.
In addition to these events, courses and lectures are also planned on topics such as contracting ICT goods and services, preparing for retirement, the General Data Protection Act (LGPD), sustainable bidding and contracting, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), among others.
For detailed information on these courses and events, follow our social networks and visit our portal.