Judiciary Of The State Of Tocantins, Through Esmat, Closes Unprecedented Partnership With The School Of Arts, Sciences And Humanities Of Usp For Technical And Scientific Training

The breaking of borders, the breaking down of walls, analogies that can define the unprecedented partnership between the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and the University of the State of São Paulo (USP). On Tuesday morning (August 1st) in the auditorium of the Ipiranga Museum, in the capital of the State of São Paulo, a Technical Cooperation Agreement was signed between the two institutions, through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EACH), the third largest unit of USP, with a faculty of 270 professors and about 5 thousand students. The commitment to mutual support was signed by Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, President of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO); Justice Marco Anthony Villas Boas, General Director of ESMAT; and Professor Ricardo Ricci Uvinha, Director of EACH-USP.

Justice Marco Villas Boas emphasized the importance of the partnership with the University of the State of São Paulo. "It is a bright moment for the Court of Justice and Esmat. We know that the programs developed by EACH-USP improve the life of society, especially the post-doctorate on smart cities. More than ever we need to improve and prepare for everything that is coming. Life in cities, human relations and digital transformations require us to make this continuous effort," he said. 

In effecting the partnership, the president of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins recalled that the Judiciary embraced the mission of promoting a closer and more innovative Justice.  "We see here the opportunity to expand our knowledge, going far beyond the Law, seeking how to know human needs in depth. Serving the citizen well is our obligation, returning to society a sensitive and human look. The solid scientific and cultural basis of the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanity, in which research projects involve all areas of knowledge, will help us to be ever closer to society".

Beyond the Walls

"It is a very important action that goes beyond the walls of our University and involves all the areas of USP", evaluated the Director Ricci Uvinha. Dr. Ignacio Maria Poveda Velasco, professor at FD-USP, also stated that both parties gain a lot from the cooperation. "We have to break down the walls of USP, this is something very important. Universities cannot be closed; they live for society and must be available to all segments, including the judiciary. The moment the University opens up, it also benefits from this exchange." 

"The University, with this agreement, opens up as a whole to Copedem and to the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins", declared Professor Ana Carla Bliacheriene, from EACH-USP.

Doctor Luciano Vieira de Araújo, also a professor at the School of Arts, stressed that the world is undergoing a global transformation in all public or private spheres, with a strong acceleration. "Changes in education, health, human relations, with a huge demand for the Judiciary, and on this journey we have worked on this issue of transformation, with the aim of uniting governments, institutions and universities". The professor concluded by praising the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins for its innovation and boldness to also break boundaries. "We are fortunate to find people with vision, strengthen these ties and this search for improvements for society."

Term of Cooperation 

The Agreement will allow mutual academic, technical-scientific, cultural cooperation and the exchange of knowledge, information and experiences, aiming at the training, improvement and technical specialization of human resources, as well as institutional development, through the implementation of complementary actions, programs, projects and activities of common interest to TJTO, ESMAT, USP and EACH.

Esmat is once again at the forefront and stands out for being the first School of the Judiciary in the country to sign a Cooperation Agreement with the University of the State of São Paulo. Specializations, Master's and Doctoral programs, from both institutions, there will have vacancies available for their members, in the search for an increasingly qualified Justice to meet the demands of the citizen.

Justice Angela Issa Haonat, 1st Deputy Director of Esmat, emphasized the importance of the academic cooperation of Esmat with USP, considered the largest and most important public university in Brazil. "This formative collaboration is of great importance, because we will continue the research, publication and implementation of academic works, strengthening the technical and scientific qualification of magistrates and civil servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, reversing the improvement of the judicial provision and the promotion of Human Rights", she emphasized.

The Cooperation Agreement is valid for 60 months and may be extended according to the interest of the institutions. In order to materialize the partnership, forms of greater integration between the institutions will be sought, with a view to: creating; establishing and streamlining networks or permanent communication channels between their staff; promoting exchanges of professors and researchers; jointly developing research projects; organizing scientific and cultural events; exchanging information and academic publications; exchanging students and members of the technical-administrative team; in addition to promoting shared courses and disciplines.

First event 

The partnership already has its first joint event. On October 9th, 10th and 11th, at the Ipiranga Museum, the Seminar Generation AI: cyber and legal security for socioeconomic development will be held. A debate on the impacts of artificial intelligence on society.


The justices of the State of Tocantins honored USP professors Ana Carla Bliacheriene, Ricardo Uvinha and Ignácio Poveda with the Esmat Medallion for their partnership and support to the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. The honors were delivered by Justice Etelvina Felipe, President of the TJTO; by Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat and President of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (COPEDEM); and by Justice Angela Haonat, Deputy Director.


For the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, were present Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, President of the TJTO; Judge Marco Anthony Steveson Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat and President of Copedem; Justice Angela Issa Haonat, Deputy Director of Esmat; Ana Beatriz de Oliveira Pretto, Executive Director of Esmat; Jeane Justino, head of the Office of the Presidency; and Kézia Reis, Director of Communication of the TJTO. For USP, the Professors Amâncio Jorge Oliveira, Deputy Director of the Museum of the State of São Paulo of USP; Ricardo Ricci Uvinha, Director of EACH-USP; Ignácio Maria Poveda Velasco, FD-USP; Luciano Vieira de Araújo, EACH-USP; and Ana Carla Bliacheriene, EACH-USP. 

The Signing Event of the Cooperation Agreement was also honored by Justice Heraldo de Oliveira Silva, President of the Academy of Magistrates of the State of São Paulo.

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