The XVIII Edition of the International Seminar of the ICA Dialogue Research Group - International Constitutional Environmental Dialogue - will be held in several locations around the world. In Europe, the event will take place on June 23rd, 2023, at the University of Salamanca; on June 26th, 2023, at the Law School of the University of Coimbra, in Portugal. In Brazil, the Seminar will be held from August 4th to 7th, 2023, in the city of Palmas, at Esmat; and in the city of Goiânia, at the Judiciary School of the State of Goiás (EJUG).
The theme chosen for this year is "Administrative simplification and environmental protection". The researchers of the ICA Dialogue Research Group can submit unpublished articles, with up to three authors, until May 25th, 2023. The articles can be written in Portuguese, French, Spanish, Italian or English.
The evaluation of the articles will be carried out by evaluators who will take into consideration several criteria, such as the title of the article corresponding to the content developed, the problematization, the research methodology, the justification and the objective of the article well defined and developed, among others.
Undergraduate authors may only submit and present papers together with a co-author (undergraduate, masters, doctor or doctoral student). The co-author must participate in the presentation on the day of the event, in the chosen modality.
It is important to emphasize that authors who submit the same article (same title and/or content) to more than one WG will have both articles disqualified and excluded from the evaluation. The same will occur in cases of plagiarism identified and demonstrated by the reviewers.
Articles submitted, approved and presented at the event will undergo an editorial review and those that do not meet the rules of the notice will be excluded from publication. The result of the approved papers will be sent to the e-mails of the authors, and the final program of the event will be available on the www.dialogoaci.com WEBSITE. It is worth pointing out that only authors will be allowed to submit articles in the language in which they were written, with no translators available for any language.
For more information, click here.
About the registration and certifications of the event(s)
Author registration is automatic upon approval for presentation at the event. The Declaration of Paper Presentation will be sent to the same e-mail from which the paper was submitted (one copy for each paper).