This Wednesday, April 19th, the eyes of the world turn to the celebration of the Day of the Indigenous Peoples, an extremely relevant date for reflection on the struggle and challenges faced by these peoples in the Americas. Instituted in 1940, during the First Inter-American Indigenous Congress, in Mexico, the date aims to draw attention to the issues that involve these peoples, including their rights and their culture.
In Brazil, the date is celebrated as a moment of reflection on the rights and culture of these peoples. To mark the occasion, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) highlights its physical collection in the Library, which includes almost 50 books addressing the history, culture, and legal issues of the indigenous peoples.
Among the available titles, we find works such as "Ancestors and their shadows: An ethnography of the Kalapalo chief and their mortuary ritual" (Ancestrais e suas sombras: Uma etnografia da chefia Kalapalo e seu ritual mortuário), by Antonio Roberto Guerreiro Júnior; " Big house & slaves quarters: the formation of the Brazilian family under the patriarchal economy” (Casa-grande & senzala: formação da família brasileira sob o regime da economia patriarca), by Gilberto Freyre; "The construction of Brazil: Amerindians, Portuguese and Africans, from the beginning of the settlement to the end of the five hundred," by Jorge Couto (A construção do Brasil: ameríndios, portugueses e africanos, do início do povoamento a finais de quinhentos), by Jorge Couto; "From telegraph commissions to the service of protection to the Indian: Rondon, the public and political agent" (Das comissões telegráficas ao serviço de proteção ao índio: Rondon, o agente público e politico) by Luiza Vieira Sá de Figueiredo, and many more.
You can check the list of books on the subject clicking here.
The Esmat Library is open to the entire academic and public community in general, providing the opportunity to explore not only works with an indigenous theme, but also a wide variety of books from various areas, such as Law, History, Philosophy, Sociology, and more.