The first list of accepted applications for the Esmat Journalism Award competition has been released

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) released, on Wednesday (11th), the first list of the accepted applications for each category of the competition "Esmat Journalism Award". The publication was made in the Justice Daily nº 5.374, following the attributions of the Ordinance nº 10, of February 23rd, 2023. The list of the accepted applications can be checked, clicking here.

About the Award

With an award totaling R$ 55,500.00 (fifty-five thousand, five hundred reais), those interested in participating can register until October 9th. Works (stories, reports, series of reports, photographs) produced in the state of Tocantins and published between January 25th, 2023 and October 9th, 2023, in any city in the state of Tocantins or nationally can compete for the award. Learn more about the rules of the Award, clicking here.

The Esmat Journalism Award 2023 is open to professionals with higher education degrees in Communication: journalists, radio broadcasters, announcers, film reporters, photo reporters, photographers, and Radio and TV students and undergraduate students in Social Communication - Journalism, Advertising, Public Relations, Advertising and MARKETING, Radio and TV, duly registered in higher education institutions, operating in the state of Tocantins, according to the regulations. Registrations can be made, clicking here.

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