Esmat celebrates the Librarian Day and will host the 3rd Seminar of Libraries Universalisation

Every educational growth process passes, unfailingly, by a magic place, rich in knowledge and of a great importance in any profession training: the library. On this March 12th, date to celebrate the National Librarian Day, the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) honors those renowned professionals, essential by the access to knowledge. The date is celebrated on March 12th, because this is Manuel Bastos Tigre’s birthday (1882 – 1957), considered the first public approved librarian in Brazil.

According the librarians of Esmat, Silvania Olortegui and Cynthia Aires, currently the School counts on a physical collection of around 20 thousand works subdivided among didactic, literary, judicial content books, in addition to essential periodics to the Law operators. Counting on an acclimatized and computerized environment, with access to a research by internet, the collection counts also on three digital platforms containing judicial content books, among others.

“We search for always updating and ensuring the greater commodity of our users, the Library receives dozens of magistrates and servers from the Court of Justice, Universities academics, students, professionals and the community in general daily”, Silvania Olortegui has affirmed.

Reinforcing the Library importance for the deepening and knowledge dissemination, on the March 16th and 17th, Esmat will host the 3rd Seminar of Libraries Universalisation. The event will have the participation of librarians from all the Tocantins, to debate together about the theme “Innovative Actions in Libraries”.

According to the class representative entity, there are 74 graduated in Library Science professionals acting in Tocantins currently. Data from Library Science Regional Council of the 2nd Region (Amapá, Pará and Tocantins), 3.362 Schools in Tocantins (among public, states, rural and private) informed having libraries working.

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