Esmat directors participate in a live promoted by OAB/TO on World Environment Day June 5th 2020

The discussions about the preservation of water sources in the world and specifically in Tocantins, were the subject of a debate promoted by the BAR Association of Brazil – Tocantins Seccional – through the Environment Commission of the entity, in partnership with the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT). Among the addressed issues, the need for interdisciplinary training for the magistrate on environmental issues was pointed out, as well as on licensing processes, water granting, implementation of measurable rates of supply for irrigation and protection to traditional communities living in areas close to Agriculture projects.

With the theme of Human Rights, the protection of environment in the context of  COVID-19 pandemic and environmental problems in Tocantins State, the live happened this Friday morning (5th), the date on which World Environment Day is celebrated.

Mediated by the president of OAB-TO Environment Committee, Wolldson Vilarindo Gomes, the live was attended by the Judge Marco Villas Boas, general director of Esmat, and Judge Wellington Magalhães, deputy director of the Council for High Studies and Scientific Research of Esmat.

Opening the debate, the general director of Esmat, Marco Villas Boas, explained the environmental theme contextualization, focusing on the generating water sources, going through the process of agriculture resource optimization, with control and management, in addition to promoting rights and access to traditional communities, with the main focus on promoting life and sustainability. “We live in a risk society, there are fundamental rights conflicts in relation to the exercise of agricultural production, water use and the industrial production; on the other hand, we have fundamental rights for people who need a healthy environment, safe drinking water for use and for developing their lives and activities with balance”, he said.

 Reinforcing his role in discussing the sustainable management of Formoso River basin, as well as serving traditional communities located in that region of the State, Judge Wellington Magalhães highlighted the importance of monitoring indigenous communities. The magistrate highlighted the constant performance of service to those communities, started in 2018, led by Judge Marco Villas Boas, with activities of political formation, clarification of rights and promotion of sustainability. “And now, more recently, we are in the branch of COVID-19, working with small informational videos that will be sent to leaders and indigenous communities, which can be recorded by their own peers, in order to clarify to the indigenous community about the care they must have with COVID-19, the need for a strict hygiene, the use of masks if they have to leave the community. It is in this way that the Tocantins Judiciary has contributed to the clarification of the indigenous communities about this sad health crisis that we are experiencing”, he has stressed.

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