President of Copedem and general director of ESMAT participates in a live promoted by the School of Judges of Piauí

With the proposal of continuing the discussions about the global Covid-19 Pandemic, the president of Permanent Directors College of Schools of the Judiciary (COPEDEM), Judge Marco Villas Boas, participates, this Wednesday (8th), starting at 7 pm, from a live entitled Human Rights in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic, promoted by the School of Judges of Piauí (ESMEPI), which will be broadcast on the entity’s YouTube channel.

Judge Marco Villas Boas is general director of the School of Judges of Tocantins (ESMAT) and will debate together with the president of ESMAPI, Judge Edvaldo Moura, with professor Alcir Marcus Borges and Judge Keiyla Ranyeri.

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