President of Copedem and general director of ESMAT participates in a live promoted by the School of Judges of Piauí

The confrontation of the global pandemic in Brazil, with worrying data in deaths number, and the social conficts already inherent to the Brazilian reality that were amplified by the arrival of Covid-19 in all states of the country, were the themes of a live promoted by the School of Judges of Piauí (ESMEPI). On the occasion, the president of the Permanent Directors College of Schools of the Judiciary (COPEDEM), Judge Marco Villas Boas, participated as a speaker, at the invitation of Judge Edvaldo Moura, who mediated the event.

Among the discussions, the political and social landscape and the participation of society in contribution to the contention of contagion levels, economic impacts, the decrease in job creation, the closing of commercial establishments and the rates of violence against women were approached in a discussion that follows the present days with real concern.

In her speech, the law Judge Keiyla Ranyeri stressed the importance of ensuring the safety of Brazilian women, who, confined, may be more susceptible to domestic violence. “We already have this reality that minorities live in unfavorable situations, but I see with a certain concern, a look at a specific group: that of women. We are following the news regarding the increase in cases of domestic violence. In the context of the pandemic in general, the care of people who are sick or in need of special attention falls primarily on women, they end up bearing the burden of caring for elderly parents, children, online classes, household chores and an overload that was already borne by them, especially for low-income women who are no longer available, ”she said.

The President of Copedem, Judge Marco Villas Boas, mentioned that, in Tocantins, the pandemic also affects women family farmers, members of traditional communities (indigenous and quilombolas) and small estractivists, such as coconut breakers in the extreme north region of Tocantins, also known as the parrot’s beak. He stressed that, regarding the victimization of women in that scenario of withdrawal and sanitary restrinctions, there is some difficulty in promoting the rights of not only men, but also women, being a problem of structural deficiency. “I think that women are victimized for having the concept that they are servants of men. That needs to be changed. We have opened spaces in which women have their visibility. It is necessary to have public policies and spending resources to raise awareness and promote and empower women so that they can feel safe and worthy of conquering their spaces without being hindered”, he emphasized.

Professor Alcir Marcus Borges drew a parallel among human rights policy over the past three decades, which culminated in the current attempts to suppress and reduce rights in which Brazilian society currently lives, intensified by the arrival of Covid-19. “The idea that we have to resist, not build, expand, value and innovate is really worrying. The search for perpetual peace, for a better future, stays here. We see, in the media scenarios, mass graves multiplying, in a disruptive reality ”, he argued.

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