TJTO publishes list of homologated registrations for the Telework Preparatory Course

Through Edict No. 491, published this Tuesday (12/01), the Electronic Justice Gazette (DJE), the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) released the list, by class and profile, of the registrations approved for the Preparatory Course for Telework, as part of the Program for Voluntary Adherence to Telework.

According to the schedule of Call for Proposals No. 447 the list also follows in chronological order of electronic registration, from the first to the last, with the names of those approved and those classified in the four profiles of the two classes. 

Signed by the president of the Organizing Committee of the Selection Process, Judge Maysa Vendramini Rosal, the announcement clarifies that "the names of candidates who do not appear on the lists above have not had their homologged registrations due to the absence of e-mail, incomplete documentation or inability to prove the requirements of Announcement No. 447 from November 9th, 2020, of the Presidency of the Justice Court of the State of Tocantins, or also cases where the limit of analysis of documentation was extrapolated, according to item 5. 1.9 of Announcement No. 447". The course will be held on December 10th and 11th for Class I and January 14th and 15th for Class II.

Questions via email

On the other hand, if there are any doubts about the interpretation of the rules governing the selection process, they should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to the president of the committee for the selection process and monitoring of the training of servers..

Check here the list of approved and classified.

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