Esmat concludes Internal Audit on the Quality Management System

Completed on Wednesday (6th), the Internal Audit work on the Quality Management System (QMS) of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), having as a normative the ISO 90001:2015 Standard. The process aims to measure the quality of services provided and, mainly, their continuous improvement. The audit discussions were carried out through meetings, via internet, ministered by the auditor Ivan Augusto Gonçalves. At the end of the work, possible non compliances to the system were identified, which will be evaluated by the Executive Board of Esmat in order to remedy the observations made by the auditor.

For the Executive Director of Esmat, Ana Beatriz de Oliveira Pretto, the observations of the auditor demonstrate the commitment of the School to seek new tools for updating and improving the quality of the services provided. “At every stage we evolve, we observe new challenges. This is a very important moment for the School, a moment of knowledge, of learning about our actions”, she argued.

The ISO 9001:2015 Standard defines the requirements to ensure quality standards, with the aim of seeking customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of the performance of organizations, ensuring excellence in the provision of training and qualification services for Judges, public servers, and professionals linked to the areas of Law and the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.

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