Software developed by tjto and dpe to check the level of accessibility of pdf documents is named after philanthropist dorina nowill

In an act of recognition for the work done by Dorina de Gouvêa Nowill, who died on August 29th, 2010, and who worked intensely for the creation and implementation of institutions, laws and campaigns in favor of people with visual impairment and had her work celebrated and awarded several times, the president of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), Judge João Rigo Guimarães, and Cristiano Humberto Nowill, Dorina Nowill's son, signed a term of authorization for the use of Dorina's name in a software.

Called "DorinaPDF", the program will be used to verify the level of accessibility of PDF documents, by reading the document, extracting the text, even using the Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and analyzing whether the PDF has a minimum level of accessibility to be used by screen reading systems of users who have visual difficulties. 

“This is a very important moment for the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins. Congratulations to those responsible for developing the project. I am very grateful to be a part of this, because here we have an arm of our Justice for All Program, which aims to promote a more inclusive and accessible justice. DorinaPDF is a window of this accessibility and with an immeasurable social reach. I am honored by everyone's presence and even happier to know that the project carries Dorina's name. We have a fair homage to a person who fought and dedicated her trajectory to provide transformations in the lives of people with visual impairment", highlighted the president of TJTO.


During the event, Dorina Nowill's son, Cristiano Humberto Nowill, remembered his mother's trajectory and how this tribute meets the lessons she defended in life. "I am honored to be present at this event. As my mother's life story shows, disabled people need to have conditions so that they can develop basic rights, among them the access to justice. For those who have visual impairment and are part of the justice system, this program is certainly revolutionary and provokes effects of autonomy, a flag raised by my mother. We are grateful for the memory and happy for the people who will benefit from the tool", he commented.


In his speech, the executive superintendent of Dorina Foundation, Alexandre Manck, pointed out that the entity for the Blind is a non-profit, philanthropic organization that for over 70 years has been dedicated itself to the social inclusion of blind and low-vision people. "One of the ways we do it is through the production and free distribution of Braille, spoken and digital accessible books, directly to the public and also to about three thousand schools, libraries and organizations all over Brazil. We also offer, free of charge, specialized services for blind and low-vision people and their families, in the areas of special education, rehabilitation, low vision clinic, and employability," he said.


Dorina Project, which can be accessed via the link, is a product of the Graduate Program in Computational Modeling at the Federal University of the State of Tocantins, in conjunction with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), developed in partnership between the TJTO and the Public Defender's Office of the State of Tocantins, through the servers Ângelo Stacciarini Seraphin (TJTO) and Jhonatas Henrique de Lima Mota (DPE-TO). 

“The goal is to provide the various operators of the administrative and legal systems, whether disabled or not, with a textual analysis tool capable of identifying the level of accessibility of the PDF document. Besides that, the open source project is aimed at using it in multiplatform and multisystem integration for the visually impaired who need a previous analysis of the document to be joined in legal and administrative ecosystems", commented the TJTO's Information Technology Director, Ernandes Rodrigues, who also pointed out that the DorinaPDF project joins other programs and initiatives from TJTO, such as the Tanatose tool, aiming at modernizing the whole  judicial system of the court”.

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