November 25th 2022
The School of the Judges of the State of Rondonia (Emeron) held this Thursday (24th), in the city of Porto Velho, the opening of the First Meeting of Directors of Judicial Schools of the Amazon. With the theme "Judicial Education in the Amazon: Paths and Perspectives", the event aims to provide learning and exchange of experiences to the administrations of judicial schools in the region.
The program of the meeting includes panels on initial training for magistrates, the role of the judicial schools in preparing the magistrates to work focused on the reality of traditional communities, Agenda 2030 and the new judicial training profile, distance education, ethical training for magistrates, and the specifics of judicial education in the Amazon.
Also part of the program is a time for reports of experiences and the preparation and reading of the Madeira River Letter. The closing will take place this Friday (25th), with presentations at the Cultural and Historical Documentation Center of the Judiciary of the State of Rondonia.
At the beginning of the first day of work, the participants from the several states that traveled to the city of Porto Velho for the meeting followed a performance by the Yaporanga Dance Company, reinforcing the Amazonian character of the event.
In his opening speech, the Director of Emeron, Justice Raduan Miguel Filho, recalled the peculiarities of the Amazon region and the challenges they bring to the performance of the judiciary. "This meeting arose from an idea that we should have differentiated mechanisms to deal with issues related to the judicial schools in this place that is very close to our hearts, but that colleagues and Brazilians from other corners and states don't know and have no idea of the difficulties we face", he declared.
Representing the president of the Court of Justice of the State of Rondônia, Justice Marcos Alaor Diniz Grangeia, Justice Alexandre Miguel highlighted the achievements of Emeron in recent years and the participation of other institutions in the event, such as the State Audit Court, the State Prosecution and the Office of the State Public Defender. "We are celebrating 40 years since the creation of the State and the construction of the Judiciary of the State of Rondônia, and usually in 40 years we look at the past, but today we are looking at our future, looking at this meeting and seeing what we can do to enrich the training of magistrates and with absolute certainty this will only return in benefit to our society," he said.
Justice Marco Villas Boas, from the Court of Jusstice of the State of Tocantins and president of the Permanent College of Directors of State Schools of Magistracy (Copedem), emphasized the role of the schools in overcoming problems currently faced by society. “We have to take care of the traditions, culture, and rights of the traditional peoples, and I think that the schools of magistracy are the appropriate forums within the Judiciary to discuss problems of this magnitude and also point the way to their solution,” pointed out the magistrate.
Ainda na abertura, foi entregue a seis homenageados, pelo presidente do Copedem, a Medalha do Mérito Acadêmico Desembargador Antônio Rulli Júnior. Entre os agraciados estavam os desembargadores do TJRO Raduan Miguel Filho e Alexandre Miguel, respectivamente diretor e professor da Emeron, o desembargador João de Jesus Abdala Simões, diretor da Escola Superior da Magistratura do Amazonas (Esmam), a desembargadora Regina Célia Ferrari Longuini, diretora da Escola do Poder Judiciário do Acre (Esjud), o desembargador Caetano Levi Lopes, diretor-presidente da Escola Nacional da Magistratura (ENM), e o juiz de Direito Jorsenildo Dourado do Nascimento, secretário-geral da Escola Nacional de Formação e Aperfeiçoamento de Magistrados (Enfam). Logo depois, houve o lançamento da revista digital de memória do Copedem.
The first panel, about the formation of magistrates from an Amazonian perspective, was presented by Judge Jorsenildo Dourado do Nascimento, from the Court of Justice of the State of Amazonas. “The jurisdiction must be efficient and fast, especially in the Amazon region, where the great distances and the isolation of several locations contribute to the consolidation of the environmental damage, violation of the rights of indigenous peoples and riverside communities, promotion of crimes, in short, are fertile ground for the consolidation of all and any kind of damage”, he warned.
Next, Justice Caetano Levi Lopes, from the Court of Justice of the State of Minas Gerais, presented the panel on “Role of the judicial schools in the preparation of magistrates for actions focused on the reality of the traditional communities”, in which he stressed the importance of the formation of magistrates to provide the services expected by the public. “Our judicial activity exists because of the communities and the Amazon population has dreams, desires, and also a thirst for justice. Our mission can only be accomplished if we magistrates are prepared for it”, concluded the Justice.