Accessibility And Inclusion Week of The Judiciary of The State of Tocantins promotes Workshop On "Assistance For People With Neurodiversities”

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) promoted, on Tuesday afternoon (30th), the Workshop on "Assistance to People with Neurodiversities", aimed at promoting knowledge about the need for accessibility within the Judiciary.

With several themes debated in a face-to-face environment aiming at an understanding of the behavior of the child and his/her guardian, creating protocols for a better form of welcoming. Taught by Doctor Professor Eliane Marques, the Workshop sought to meet the need for training through active methodologies, using the concept of neurodiversity to discuss inclusion practices. "above all exercising with the public how to develop these skills in their work environment," said the doctoral professor.


About the lecturer

PhD in Environmental Sciences and Sustainability of the Amazon (UFAM). Master in Environmental Sciences (UFT). Graduated in Biological Sciences (UNITINS). Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogue. Professor of the Nursing Course/UFT. Coordinator of PIBID Biological Sciences (from 2010 to 2013) and of Pedagogy/Palmas (from 2018 to 2020). Coordinator of the Laboratory of Neurolearning at UFT. Experience and academic interest in the areas of: Neurophysiology of School Learning (emphasis on neurodevelopmental disorders). Curriculum for skills and abilities and digital learning technologies.

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