The Permanent Program of Socio-political Inclusion of the Indigenous Peoples of the Electoral Justice of the State of Tocantins ensured the Regional Electoral Court of Tocantins (TRE-TO) the 1st place in the category of Democratic Citizenship of the II Contest of Good Practices of the Electoral Judiciary Schools (EJEs), promoted by the Judiciary School of the Superior Electoral Court (EJE-TSE). The results were announced on Wednesday (November 30th).
In all, 17 projects were registered in the Democratic Citizenship category and the initiatives were evaluated by five judges, who took into account four requirements: strategic alignment, optimization of resources, innovation and diversity and inclusion, where each criterion was worth from 1 to 3 points.
With maximum points in all items evaluated by four of the five judges, the permanent program of TRE-TO took the first place with three points difference from the second place in the same category, reaching 59 points out of 60.
For the coordinator of EJE-TO, Kathiene Pimentel, the excellent result of the Regional is a recognition not only to the project itself, but also to the work of everyone involved. "We consider this 1st place ranking as a recognition of the effort of everyone involved in the cause, which in itself is gratifying, since working with minorities, especially the native peoples, has been a practice encouraged by TRE-TO and embraced by all those who, directly or indirectly, contribute to the success of each event", she highlighted.
The winning practices will be presented and awarded during the X National Meeting of the Electoral Judiciary Schools (ENEJE), which takes place on December 12th, 2022.