AMB carries out the 2°nd census to identify magistrates and family members with special conditions

The Directory of Institutional Policy to support magistrates with disabilities, special needs, serious illnesses, or dependents in this condition, in partnership with the Judicial Research Center (CPJ), is carrying out the 2nd Census of the survey that intends to identify the number of judges, associate justices, ministers, and their dependents with this type of problem.

The collection of information will provide more subsidies to promote discussions of agendas, in order to implement effective measures so that magistrates with physical disabilities or dependents in this condition receive proper treatment from the National Council of Justice and the administration of the Courts.

“The impact we intend to cause with the survey is that AMB wants to get to know these magistrates, who have disabilities, serious illnesses, or dependents in this condition, closely, offering them a support and welcoming network and a broad work focused on their rights, as well as raising awareness about the rights of PWDs", stated AMB's president, Renata Gil, who also added: For this, it is necessary to have an accurate diagnosis of who these judges are, with answers to the census, so that the best possible work can be offered".

For CPJ's director, Minister Luis Felipe Salomão (STJ), the Census is very important for the Brazilian Judiciary.

” The humanization of the Judiciary is established when the themes - inclusion and accessibility - are priority agendas within the Justice System. Our intention with this research is to get to know the plurality of our Judiciary and the challenges that are faced by judges and prosecutors with some kind of disability and their dependents in the same condition"

The study is coordinated by the General Secretary of CPJ, Patrícia Cerqueira Kertzman Szporer.

“This research is important for both the magistrate and the family. CPJ wishes to collaborate a lot in the most positive and propositive way in this project", she said.

It is worth adding that DPI conducted the first Census to find out who these magistrates were, in order for the Brazilian Magistrates' Association (AMB) to offer a support network, as well as to work on developing institutional policies aimed at AMB members and their disabled children.

After intense articulations of AMB with the CNJ, Resolution 343 of 2020 was edited. The measure provides special working conditions for judges and public servers with disabilities, special needs and serious illnesses, or who have dependents in this condition.

“The scope of DPI was even expanded during the administration of President Renata Gil, to become the Directorate of Institutional Policy and Support for magistrates with disabilities, special needs, serious illness or who have dependents in this condition. Thus, a need arose for AMB to know these magistrates who live in this special situation and need a differentiated look", said DPI's director, Élbia Araújo.

 Those interested in participating in the 2nd Census have until August 31st. 

Click here. Check out the message from DPI's Director, Élbia Araújo.

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