Esmat publishes the final result of the selection process for distance instructors for the supervision of the basic training course for environmental mediators

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) announces the final result of the selection process of Instructors at distance, for the supervision of the internship of the Basic Training Course of Environmental Mediator, to be held in the period from: Theoretical Part - from May 5th to June 30th, 2022; and Practical Part - from June 30th to December 16th, 2022.

The ranking order of the approved candidates was determined by the sum of the scores, according to Annex I of the Notice No. 056, 2022, as shown below:

Beatriz Alves da Luz

Daniela Guimarães Sales

Hellen Cristini da Silva Leme

Lorena da Cruz Neves Pimenta Gutierrez


Among the activities to be performed are: Supervise in the observation phase the mediation/conciliation sessions in virtual or face-to-face modality, the realization of mediation/conciliation hearings in real cases, in the Cejuscs of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins; Accompany the students in the mediation/conciliation sessions, which will be held by videoconference or face-to-face, in factual cases, in the Coparticipation phase, as well as in the development of the techniques used during the mediation/conciliation session; Supervise, in the Assisted Intervention phase, how the student opens and conducts the mediation/conciliation session, promoting the understanding between the parties, how he/she controls the communication between the parties, not allowing it to take place in an inefficient way, and how he/she reduces to term the requests of the parties, among others.


About the course

The training has a class load of 100 hours, and 24 vacancies will be available for professionals regularly registered with the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of the State of Tocantins (CREA/TO); servers of the State Public Institutions that deal with environmental conflicts; servers of the Operational Support Center of Environmental Defense (CAOMA). There were also 8 vacancies available for members of the state's traditional indigenous communities.

The course aims to train participants to act in mediation, in order to consolidate consensual methods of conflict treatment, especially mediation and conciliation in environmental matters, social pacification and broad access to justice, the main objectives of the National Judicial Policy for Adequate Treatment of Conflicts of Interest, established by Resolution No. 125 of the National Council of Justice, November 29th, 2010.

Click here for more information.


Center for Training and Improvement of Magistrates (NUFAM)  — Telephone: 3218 – 4408; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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