Held on Tuesday afternoon (October 10th), the online round table discussion on gender, feminism and sexuality was led by Cristina Vasconcelos, a psychologist and sexologist, who opened the debate with a dynamic among the participants, dividing them into groups to discuss the themes of gender/sexuality, gender equality, patriarchy, machismo and misogyny/feminicide.
The discussions were very interactive, mobilizing all the women present; each participant was able to take a stand and present their perception of the issues. Cristina made some provocations about the workplace. "How can we notice the structures of oppression in everyday life? Which of these behaviors do I reproduce in my daily life? These are questions that can lead to how willing you are to deconstruct your own prejudices," she asked.
For the participant, librarian Cynthia Aires, the chat was a rare opportunity for an exchange among female civil servers at the Court of Justice, which has been growing a lot. For her, what added the most was the need she felt to have more theoretical knowledge about feminism.
“We are too much on he-said-she-said, on common sense, and we don't know what feminism really is and what feminism seeks," she said of the importance of this kind of meeting.”