Lawyers From The State Of Tocantins Take Part In Workshop On Unified Procedural Tables

On Monday (August 14th), lawyers from the State of Tocantins gathered to take part in the first class of the Workshop on Unified Procedural Tables (TPU) - 2023. The event, held remotely via Google Meet, was led by facilitator Kellen Cleya dos Santos Madalena Stakoviak.

The main objective of the Workshop is to promote the understanding and efficient use of the Unified Procedural Tables of the Judiciary within the scope of the Electronic Process. It also aims to raise awareness among users of the Eproc System of the importance of using and recording these tables. The training aims to provide knowledge about the "movements" to be recorded in procedural movements, highlighting how these records directly impact the statistical systems of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins.

The Unified Procedural Tables of the Judiciary play a crucial role in standardizing and organizing the procedural information. Established by the Resolution No. 46 of the National Council of Justice in 2007, these tables are mandatory for the registration (classes and subjects) and handling of procedural and administrative cases. They aim to improve the efficiency of the work of the court, standardize procedures and improve communication between the different bodies of the Judiciary.

With a workload of 3 hours, the event will be held throughout the week, covering a total of five classes.

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