The Workshop on Productivity with a Focus on Parameterization of Domestic Violence and Feminicide Cases comes to an end this Friday afternoon (April 28th). It has been two days of debates and a lot of learning. Aiming to promote the knowledge of the importance of the correct registration of classes, subjects and movements that involve the processes of domestic violence and feminicide, in order to account for the official statistical reports of the National Council of Justice, the Workshop had the presence of Judge Cirlene Maria de Assis Santos Oliveira, State Coordinator of the Women in Situations of Domestic and Family Violence (CEMSVID).
The first part of the event, which started yesterday, was given by Professor Kellen Cleya dos Santos Madalena Stakoviak, who discussed about the classes and issues of domestic violence and feminicide cases, movements of hearings from the Justice for Peace at Home Week, as well as classes and movements of Protective Measures. During the Workshop, the participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences and knowledge, improving their skills and techniques.
The target audience of the event included Judges from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, employees from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, members and employees from the State Prosecution, the Public Defender's Office, and representatives from the OAB. With the participation of professionals from various areas, the Workshop provided a rich and diversified debate on a theme that is so important to the Brazilian society. The expectation is that the lessons learned in the Workshop can be applied in practice, ensuring more effectiveness in the fight against domestic violence and feminicide.