Tax Management Of Contracts And Agreements Course Started On Tuesday (November 21st)

On Tuesday (November 21st), the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) began the activities and virtual meetings of the course on Tax Management of Contracts and Agreements: withholdings and charges levied when hiring individuals and companies (INSS, IRRF, CSLL, PIS/PASEP, COFINS AND ISS), for civil servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins.

The course, which aims to enable the participants to understand and apply the main concepts and techniques related to tax management in the preparation, execution and inspection of contracts and agreements, continues until November 24th, with the aim of analyzing tax impacts and identifying best practices to ensure the correct incidence of taxes and contributions, avoiding tax contingency mistakes.

Activities include follow the changes in tax legislation in order to comply with the new rules and avoid tax problems. This includes assessing possible tax benefits provided for by law, such as tax incentives for certain sectors or regions, and using tax strategies that can reduce the tax burden of the organization.

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