Further Education Online Course for Facilitators of Peacebuilding Circles

Fifty vacancies are open, starting this Friday (9th) and running until July 16th, 2021, for the online course of Deepening for Facilitators of Peacebuilding Circles, to magistrates and servers of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins who are trained as restorative facilitators, working in Nupemec, in the Juvenile Court of Araguaína, in the 2nd Criminal Court of Araguaína, and to restorative facilitators working in Cejuscs Poles. Vacancies will be filled by appointment, and the course will take place from August 2nd to October 25th.

Organized by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) in partnership with the Permanent Center for Consensual Methods of Conflict Resolution (NUPEMEC) and the Restorative Justice Managing Committee of Tocantins, the course aims to contribute to the development of Restorative Justice and its practical application by deepening the skills and competences of facilitators of Peace Building Circles.

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