Basic course on Neurolinguistic programming (PNL) has started

The basic course on Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) began on Monday (28th), in distance learning modality. With a workload of 40 hours, the training is a realization of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) and continues until April 18th.

40 vacancies were offered to Nupemec's employees; permanent, commissioned or assigned employees from the Cejuscs Poles; conciliator/mediator/restorative facilitator accredited in the Cejuscs of the poles of Araguaína, Araguatins, Arraias, Colinas, Dianópolis, Guaraí, Gurupi, Miracema, Palmas, Paraíso, Porto Nacional, and Tocantinópolis.

The course aims to apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes inherent to the Practitioner level in Neurolinguistic Programming, through its concepts and tools, to positively influence the quality of life of the participants, promoting the ability to have professional and personal success.

Divided in IV Modules, in this first meeting, the course approached the historical aspects of NLP, as well as the areas of application, NLP and Communication, and the importance of the development of the mediators' communicative competence. The classes are being taught by professor Cristiane Menezes Santos Barreto, Judge of the State of Bahia. 

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