A systemic view of the hiring process in public administration is presented to the students of the course on Hiring Goods and Service of the Technology of Information and Communication

The Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins started the classes of the course on Hiring Goods and Services of the Technology of Information and Communication, on the afternoon of Monday (7th). The activities are being developed remotely via the ZOOM Platform, and will last until November 11th, 2022.

The classes are being taught by professor Sílvio César da Silva Lima. On this first day, the approaches of the public hiring process were discussed through a systemic view, starting from the demands of society, going through the budget cycle and the strategic and sectorial planning, entering the APF hiring model with hiring planning, supplier selection (bidding) and contract management and, finally, the effective delivery of benefits to society.

With a class load of 20 hours, the course aims to provide the public servers from the various areas of the process with a general and systematized overview of the contracting of information technology and communication goods and services by the public sector, observing the guidelines from the Ministry of the Economy, the rules from the new bidding law, and the jurisprudence of the TCU.


For more information: Center for Training and Improvement of Servers (NUCAS) – Telephone: (63) 3218-4250. E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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