Preparation course for telework - class III - classes have started

Began on Tuesday (February 22nd), the third class of the Preparatory Course for Telework, in the distance learning modality, live on the Google Meet Platform. Conducted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), the course has a classload of 20 hours and runs until March 8th this year.

The course is intended for public servers and magistrates of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, selected according to the Notice No. 447 of 2020 - PRESIDENCY/ASPRE -, published in the Court Gazette No. 4849, and aims to guide and train them for the performance of work activities outside the physical premises of this Power, in a regime called Telework, in the form of Resolution No. 20 of June 24th, 2020.

According to the Judge Maysa Vendramini Rosal, president of the Telework Committee of TJTO, the course aims to train servers and magistrates for a new management tool, aiming to increase productivity and improve the quality of life, not forgetting the interaction and teamwork. "In the course, the concepts and norms of the National Council of Justice will also be passed on, as well as metrics and efficiency evaluation", he said.

For the magistrate Manuel Farias Reis Neto, auxiliary Judge of the Presidency of TJTO, the new modality aims to adapt new work tools to the new times. "It is important to keep in mind that the opportunity to work from home requires new processes and new requirements, and it is also essential to focus on Resolution No. 20 of June 24th, 2020," he said.

Among the contents presented are: The contextualization of telework. Productivity in telework. Telework as a management tool, competence of the manager and of the teleworker. Interaction of the manager and the teleworker. Interaction of the work team and the teleworker. Challenges in telework management, among others.

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