Note of regret

With deep regret, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) mourns the death of Osvaldo Rodrigues Póvoa, a Brazilian professor, historian, essayist, chronicler and researcher. In this moment of grief, we express our solidarity with his family and friends.

Osvaldo leaves an indelible mark on our institution and on the history of the State of Tocantins, for his strategic role in preserving memory and building the history of our State.

In recognition of his outstanding services to the Academy and the State, Esmat had the honor of awarding him the "Dr. Feliciano Machado Braga" Academic Merit Medal in 2021. His legacy, represented by works that reveal the wealth of the State of Tocantins, will endure.

In the midst of the sadness that surrounds us, we raise our prayers to God, asking for comfort and support for all those who shared the journey alongside him.

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