Pós- GraduaçõesPós- Graduações da Escola Superior da Magistratura Tocantinense

Registration for the postgraduate course in Strategic Legal Communication in the Digital Age, promoted by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat), will be open from Wednesday (October 27th). The deadline will be November 4th. The course initiative came from the Social Communication Center (Cecom) of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), supported by Esmat.

Published in the Electronic Justice Daily of Friday (October 22th), the Notice, signed by Judge Marco Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat, defines the course objectives, which are “to enable the updating of communication professionals with a solid strategic vision and the ability to analyze the demands of the judicial system and propose innovative integrated solutions, focusing on the organizational objectives, its image and reputation.

The classload is 375 hours, in the face-to-face modality. There are, in all, 50 vacancies. Also according to the notice, the target audience is formed by "male and female employees of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins and male and female employees of Esmat's partner organs (State Attorney General's Office, State Prosecution, State Audit Court, Public Defender's Office, Regional Electoral Court, Federal Court, Brazilian Bar Association/Tocantins Sectional, Tocantins State University and Tocantins Federal University, State Executive Branch - Government of the State of Tocantins- Araguaia Palace - and Municipal Executive Branch - Palmas City Hall), with a degree in social communication and its qualifications and work in social communication and its qualifications; and Journalists graduated in social communication, working and linked to the press vehicles of the State of Tocantins and the Journalists' Union".


Among the main requirements, to participate in the course, interested parties must be "journalists with a degree in social communication and its qualifications (submit the Diploma of Graduation), in action"; "work in social communication advisory (and must submit a proof by means of Declaration of the Unit of People Management of the Body - for servers of partner institutions of the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins); work as a journalist, with a degree in social communication and its qualifications, and linked to communication vehicles in the State of Tocantins (proof of this is provided by means of a Declaration from the Personnel Management Unit of the respective press vehicle)".

The Notice also includes details about other prerequisites, attendance and learning evaluation, the selection process and curricular structure, and the graduate school calendar. 


More Deadlines

The envelope with the documentation must be delivered from October 27th to November 5th, from noon to 6pm, at Esmat. The announcement of the list of students will occur on November 8th, through the Electronic Justice Gazette. Classes will start on November 9th. The course is scheduled to end on October 21st, 2022.

Click here and check the Notice.

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