Doctorate Interinstitutional Esmat / UniCEUB

In one more proposal to bring Stricto Sensu Post-Graduation courses to the State of Tocantins, the School of Judges of Tocantins (Esmat), in partnership with the Center University of Brasília (UniCEUB) will launch in the month of September the selection process for the Doctorate in Law. 20 places will be offered to magistrates and civil servers of the Judiciary in Tocantins, with classes scheduled to begin in November 2020.

With concentration áreas in Public Policies, State and Development and Public Policies, Private Relations and Development, the Doctoral program developed by Esmat aims to continue the training of its teaching staff, expand the space for scientific research and promote the exchange between UniCEUB professors and researchers with the magistrates and civil servers of the Justice Court of Tocantins.

In order to support the selection process, whose notice will be published soon, the following works are being indicated as supplementary reading:


FACHIN, Luiz Edson. Civil Law: senses, transformations and ends. Rio de Janeiro: Renew, 2015. (full text).

BARROSO, Luís Roberto. Technological revolution, crisis of democracy and climate changes: limits of law in a changing world. Institutional Studies Magazine, v. 5, n- 3, p. 1262-1313, Sept. / Dec. 2019 (article).


SEN, Amartya. Development as Freedom. São Paulo: Letters Company, 2000. (full text)

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