Doutorado Interistitucional em Direito


The task of improving and qualifying the teachers at the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins is not an easy one. For years the existing gap in stricto sensu education between the north and northeast and the south and southeast has been discussed. And in order to advance in the development of research, in the creation of research groups or even in the qualification of professionals, we need to count on universities in the south and southeast. Esmat has contributed for this task to be successful.

Esmat has been accredited, since 2010, by the State Board of Education - CEE, to promote in-person lato sensu courses. It fulfills this attribution very well, so much so that it has already gone through two accreditation processes and today, it is with the e-MEC password to request accreditation also in the Federal sphere, aiming to promote sensu lato courses also in the distance learning modality (EaD).

ESMAT has in its teaching staff the graduates of the stricto sensu program in Jurisdictional Provision and Human Rights, developed in partnership with the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT). There are 74 masters and another 25 in the process of qualification, ready to deepen their studies and to be responsible for ESMAT's lato sensu courses, and perhaps of a stricto sensu program, contributing even more to the development of this region and to the improvement of the jurisdictional provision.

With the Inter-institutional Doctorate (DINTER) between PUC-Rio and ESMAT, two institutions will be working for the public good, engaged in the purpose of producing knowledge, as part of a larger development process, with a view to fill the legal-scientific vacuum existing in the northern region, which will be made possible by the exchange between academia (PUC-Rio's PhD Program in Law) and legal professionals (TJTO judges), with society as the greatest beneficiary.

The Master's and Doctoral programs that make up the Postgraduate Program in Law at PUC-Rio (PPGD) have a single area of concentration - Theory of State and Constitutional Law, whose central object of analysis is the state phenomenon. The State is analyzed in light of the transformations in society, considering the reflections developed by Public Law and Political Philosophy, especially with regard to the debate on the relations between ethics, law and politics.

Therefore, the Program is organized from an interdisciplinary perspective, which is revealed through the consideration of the State formed by distinct theoretical contributions, privileging the legal dimension. This characteristic is expressed in the organization of the research lines and in its curricular structure. Thus, the Program works with the conception that interdisciplinarity is methodologically fundamental for the understanding of the complexity of the State phenomenon and its relation with the social dynamics, in an investigative and critical approach, and not only a descriptive and dogmatic one. Emphasis is given to the Constitution as the institutionalization of the relations between State, Law and Society.

In this context, the Postgraduate Program in Law at PUC-Rio is the promoter of the Inter-institutional Doctorate in Law - Dinter TJ/TO class. The program is consolidated and able to assist in the development of ESMAT, in the effort to qualify its faculty, with authorization and availability, according to the rules of CAPES, to hold the class in Palmas, at the headquarters of Esmat and expected to start in the second half of 2020, whose selection process took place in 2019.

PUC-Rio, through its Law Department, offers at ESMAT its PhD Program in Theory of State and Constitutional Law with the objective of graduating one (1) class of fifteen (15) students, as it considers that there is a strong need for tenured professors at ES-MAT. It is worth noting that, following the tradition of the Post-Graduate Program in Law at PUC-Rio, the PhD offered at ESMAT has an academic profile, aiming to constitute a nucleus focused on teaching and research activities in Tocantins and the Northern region.

Finally, PUC-Rio will maintain the academic and administrative control and will certify/title the future doctors.

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