Esmat Concludes Practical Stage Of Course On Restorative Justice In Schools

On July 8th, the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT) will close the internship period of the course on Restorative Justice at the School, as part of the continuing education of civil servers linked to education, who took part in the theoretical stage. This practical stage was carried out in person and coordinated by Taynã Nunes Quixabeira, a master's student in Judicial Provision and Human Rights (UFT/ESMAT), who described the activity as a great opportunity to improve the knowledge acquired in the first stage of the course, as it allowed her to 

"Not only knowing and experiencing the practical and theoretical aspects of Peace building Circles, but especially the possibility that the students had of acting as facilitators, one of the requirements for completion and certification," she said.

The activity seeks to recognize the inevitability of conflicts in a diverse context, with the Restorative Justice offering constructive tools for dealing with these situations. In this sense, there is a search to promote the development of socio-emotional skills, such as empathy, communication, problem-solving and collaboration, preparing participants for future challenges.

Foto: Hodirley Canguçu

For Isolda Barbosa de Araujo Pacini, a civil server at the State Council of Education of Tocantins (Seduc/TO), the training gave her the confidence to act as a facilitator. 

"The two internships were excellent, with different audiences, giving us the certainty that working with Restorative Justice, through the Peace building Circle (PCC) is a very important methodological technique for working with the various actors in the school environment and with society in general," she said.

The aim is to help reduce rates of violence and disengagement/avoidance in the school community by promoting accountability, dialog and reconciliation, rather than punitive measures. The training follows the compliance guidelines of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), providing a solid basis for restorative practices in schools.

The course on Restorative Justice in Schools is one of the measures that can be adopted to create a safe, inclusive school environment that is conducive to the learning and integral development of the students, meeting the broad needs of the school community.

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