Provisional result of stage 2 of the selection process of TJTO is revoked

The Organizing Committee of the Selection Process for Temporary Hiring of Middle and High Level Professionals of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, REPEALED on Wednesday, December 14th, 2021, published in the Supplementary DJ No. 5100, on Tuesday, December 14th, due to the need to correct material errors in the lists, detected na ex formal letter by the Committee, and DIVULGES the provisional result of Stage 2 and makes other provisions, as follows.

The Commission informs all candidates who have sent their documents that they can access the Specification of validation of supporting documents (Step 2), in the electronic field "Supporting Documents" in the Esmat's Virtual Learning Environment (AVA), by accessing it with the candidate's login and password.

The candidates who do not appear in the lists in this announcement refer to the candidates eliminated in Stages 1 and 2, that is, those who were not invited and also those who were invited (by Notice # 136 and 121), but did not submit documentation for Stage 2.

The Commission reminds the candidates listed in this announcement that they may file an appeal to be received from 8 am on December 15th, 2021 to 5 pm on December 17th, 2021. The appeals must be written in a specific electronic field in Esmat's Virtual Learning Environment (AVA), through access with the candidate's login and password.

To access the Notice, click here.

To access the link and see the tutorial to access to the Mirror of the Stage 2 in AVA, click here.

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