Justice System And Institutions Highlight Actions By CNJ And TJTO To Speed Up Training In The Area Of Education

The 1st National Meeting of Restorative Justice in Education, which is taking place in the city of Palmas until next Friday (August 25th), brings together more than 500 people to debate conflict resolution techniques based on creativity and sensitivity in listening to the parties. The meeting was opened on Wednesday afternoon (August 23rd) by the President of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), Justice Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, and the Minister of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), Luiz Felipe Vieira de Mello Junior, among other authorities.

Present at the event, representatives of institutions that make up the justice system stressed the importance of the debate for training professionals involved in the restorative justice. Check out the testimonies:

We can see that the institutions are working together for a common good, protecting our main asset, which is our children, our students," said the State Secretary for Education (Seduc), Fábio Vaz

Government of the State of Tocantins

Restorative justice has come to greatly improve our entire service system, especially with the CNJ bringing it to the State of Tocantins, focusing on our State," said Estellamaris Postal, the Public Defender for the state of Tocantins (DPE-TO), noting that the initiative will make actions happen faster, more efficiently and reach the people who need them.

State Prosecution

The initiative and the participation of the other institutions in a collaborative and harmonious way with the Judiciary and the CNJ only makes this issue evolve so that it reaches its final destination, said Prosecutor Abel Andrade.


For society as a whole, this will be very positive, because it will first expand the idea of what restorative justice is. And when society in general knows about it, it understands the concept and starts to apply it," recalled the Vice-president of the BAR-TO, Priscila Madruga.

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