Registrations Are Open For The Symposium On "Law And Health: Focus On The Judicialization Of Health”

The auditorium of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO) is the stage, this Friday (June 30th), of the Symposium on "Law and Health: focus on the Judicialization of Health". The event, held by the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), brings together authorities, experts and professionals from the area to discuss the challenges and seek solutions related to the judicialization of health in the country.


The opening of the Symposium was attended by Justice Angela Ribeiro Prudente, vice president of TJTO, who highlighted the importance of the theme and the complexity involved in ensuring the fundamental social right to health. The Justice emphasized the need to ensure equal access to health services, reinforcing that health is not just the absence of disease, but involves the physical, mental and social well-being of each individual. 

"Besides being assured by the greatest charter and by Brazilian infra-constitutional norms, one cannot speak of a right to health dissociated from the constitutional foundation of the dignity of the human person. This means that everyone has the fundamental right to live and enjoy a healthy life, with equitable access to services that provide quality of life. After all, health is not only about the absence of disease, but about the physical, mental, and social well-being of each individual", she said.

Justice Pedro Nelson de Miranda Coutinho (TJTO) was also present at the opening of the event. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of bringing medicine and the Judiciary closer together. He stressed the need for an exchange of skills and wisdom between the areas and highlighted the role of the Judiciary when the Executive fails to act. The Justice also mentioned the cooperation term between the Judiciary and Unimed, evidencing the positive impacts of this partnership.

Technical and Legal Trends in the Judicialization of Health Care

In the morning, three lectures were held. Justice Renato Luís Dresch, vice president of the Court of Justice of the State of Minas Gerais (TJMG), was the speaker at the first session, entitled "Technical and Legal Trends in the Judicialization of Health". Coordinated by Justice Angela Ribeiro Prudente, Dresch brought an enlightening perspective to the audience.

During his presentation, the Justice reinforced the importance of working together, affirming that "all monsters become small when you work together". He approached the structure of the Brazilian health system, explaining how it works in a didactic way. In addition, the lecturer clarified the difference between supplementary and complementary health, making reference to the articles of the Federal Constitution that relate to health.

The patient as the focus of care

The second lecture, entitled "The patient as the focus of care. Interfaces family/multidisciplinary team/operator/judiciary", had the presence of the psychiatrist Sabrina Christina, auditor and consultant in Psychiatry. Dr. Elaine Cristina Ferreira, cardiologist and head of the Health Center of TJTO, was in charge of coordinating the panel.

Sabrina shared her vision as a health operator and presented reflections about the diagnosis of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and its impacts on the family. She stressed the importance of multidisciplinary teams acting in health cases, highlighting the need for an integrated approach that considers the interface between the family, the medical team, health operators and the Judiciary.

Special therapies in the context of the supplementary health care

The third lecture approached the theme on "Special therapies in the context of the supplementary health" and counted with the participation of the lecturers Manuelly Ansia Dopazo, health analyst, specialist in TEA, and Fernanda Guimarães, specialist in Supplementary Health. The table was coordinated by lawyer Thaís de Paula e Silva, representing Unimed of the city of Palmas.

During the session, the speakers emphasized the importance of the theme and explained the concept of special therapies - which are therapeutic and carried out by a multi-professional team. They discussed neurodevelopment disorders, pointing out the changes that have occurred in diagnoses, such as categorization and the criteria used. In addition, they highlighted the increased survival of premature or low birth weight babies, the improvement of screening and diagnostic tools, the increased knowledge about the disorder, and the changes in diagnostic criteria over time.

About the Symposium

The Symposium will continue in the afternoon with four more lectures that will address different aspects related to the theme. The event aims to provide a space for discussion, reflection and critical analysis on the judicialization of the supplementary health care, in order to identify challenges and solutions for the sector. In addition, it aims to contribute to the improvement of management, regulation, and access to supplementary health services, promoting a more efficient and equitable approach for the benefit of society as a whole.

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