Registrations are open for the workshop on productivity with a focus on the parameterization of domestic violence and feminicide cases

The registration for the Workshop on Productivity with a Focus on the Parameterization of Domestic Violence and Feminicide Cases is open until April 24th. The event aims to promote the knowledge of the importance of the correct registration of classes, subjects and movements that involve the processes of domestic violence and feminicide, in order to account for the official statistical reports of the National Council of Justice.

There are 170 places for Judges and public servers from the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, members and public servers from the State Prosecution, members and public servers from the Public Defender's Office, and representatives from the OAB. The Workshop will take place remotely via the GOOGLE MEET platform on April 27th and 28th, with a total duration of 4 hours.

Click here and register!

For more information, read the Notice clicking here.

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