20 years of Esmat: a celebration of knowledge and literary culture

The I Literary Tea at the School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), held on the afternoon of Monday (April 3rd), to celebrate the 20 years of the institution, was a real success. With a program full of cultural activities, the event was attended by public servers, magistrates and special guests.

Idealized by librarian Silvânia Olortegui, the Literary Tea showed itself to be an event of great importance for everyone present. The students from the Municipal School of Integral Time Professor Sueli Pereira de Almeida Reche, from the "Cycling the Reading” (Pedalando na Leitura) project, were present at the event, showing their interest in reading and literary culture.

The presence of the students in the celebration is attributed to the fact that, in 2019, the school was the first to be contemplated with the book collection campaigns, carried out by the Esmat team. According to teacher Rúbia de Carvalho Fonseca Batista, organizer of the project, the more than 800 books collected five years ago still contribute to the promotion and encouragement of reading among the young people. 

“There could be no better choice to start the 20th anniversary celebrations of Esmat than with this event, a project of this magnitude and that encourages people to seek literature as a tool for growth and life transformation should be a project that is always applauded by the community, applauded and valued.”.

The speech of Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat, mentioned above, was one of the many expressions of recognition and gratitude expressed during the event.

For Ana Beatriz de Oliveira Pretto, Executive Director of Esmat, the presence of the students at the event was especially touching, as it represents the resumption of classroom activities after years of isolation. Her speech shows how much the School values the presence of the students. 

"We have spent the last three years here, with the school almost empty, only us employees. 

The I Literary Tea at the School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT), held on the afternoon of Monday (April 3rd), to celebrate the 20 years of the institution, was a real success. With a program full of cultural activities, the event was attended by public servers, magistrates and special guests.

Idealized by librarian Silvânia Olortegui, the Literary Tea showed itself to be an event of great importance for everyone present. The students from the Municipal School of Integral Time Professor Sueli Pereira de Almeida Reche, from the "Cycling the Reading” (Pedalando na Leitura) project, were present at the event, showing their interest in reading and literary culture.

The presence of the students in the celebration is attributed to the fact that, in 2019, the school was the first to be contemplated with the book collection campaigns, carried out by the Esmat team. According to teacher Rúbia de Carvalho Fonseca Batista, organizer of the project, the more than 800 books collected five years ago still contribute to the promotion and encouragement of reading among the young people. 

“There could be no better choice to start the 20th anniversary celebrations of Esmat than with this event, a project of this magnitude and that encourages people to seek literature as a tool for growth and life transformation should be a project that is always applauded by the community, applauded and valued.”.

The speech of Justice Marco Villas Boas, General Director of Esmat, mentioned above, was one of the many expressions of recognition and gratitude expressed during the event.

For Ana Beatriz de Oliveira Pretto, Executive Director of Esmat, the presence of the students at the event was especially touching, as it represents the resumption of classroom activities after years of isolation. Her speech shows how much the School values the presence of the students. 

"We have spent the last three years here, with the school almost empty, only us employees. We really, really missed the students. And now we are here in this auditorium full of new faces, full of hopes, full of dreams. It is very good to retake these face-to-face activities with all of you", she commented.

Judge Maysa Vendramini Rosal, Chief Justice, was also one of the guests. She thanked the School for the invitation. She highlighted the support of the Judiciary and the importance of the public servers for the success of the institution. In addition, she congratulated teacher Rúbia for the "Cycling the Reading” (Pedalando na Leitura) project, which encourages students to develop the habit of reading and transform their lives through knowledge.

On the occasion, Judge Odete Almeida, president of the Association of Judges of the State of Tocantins (ASMETO), paid tribute to Esmat with a beautiful poem of her own. Check it out:


The Knowledge


Knowledge and the world,

The world and knowledge.

To whom do they belong?

Reading is enough to believe.

Reading seeks knowledge,

Which opens the frontiers of the infinite,

It warms the soul, the heart and the own being!

When one seeks to know!

Knowing how to live becomes much more beautiful!

Twenty years are not twenty days,

Of constant engagement and commitment!

Forever will bring us nostalgia,

Relevant literary and academic legacies!

State of the art, pure magic! Things of the academy!

Hail, hail to the Esmat - School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins!

It promotes knowledge without equal,

It brings together people with similar ideals,

Certainly, of international renown!

Pride of our Court! 

by Odete Almeida


Doctor Professor Gustavo Paschoal Oliveira, PhD, and Jadir Oliveira, a graduate of the Graduate Program in Judicial Provision and Human Rights, brightened up the cultural program of the event with their musical participation, singing songs that touched the audience.

Another highlight of the cultural program was the participation of Orion Milhomem, member of the Academy of Letters of the city of Palmas (APL) and writer, who recited some poems from his latest book. The retired employee of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins (TJTO), Rosete de Farias Meireles, also took part in the presentations, reciting a poem by Camões.

The nursing and nutrition students from the Federal University of the State of Tocantins (UFT), under the coordination of Professor Reijiane Pinheiro, were also present at the Literary Tea.

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