The programming of the 1st Yellow September Week of the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, on the afternoon of Tuesday (September 21st), was dedicated to the realization of the Interactive Live (Conversation about suicide - talk, act and save) with the technical team of the Center for Reception and Psychosocial Monitoring (NAPsi), in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (TJTO). The Week is an initiative of the Judiciary, through NAPsi, in partnership with the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (Esmat). The transmission was via Esmat's Virtual Academic System (SAV Esmat).
The conversation's topic revolved around raising awareness about suicide, a global public health problem that affects more than one million people around the world. In Brazil, there are about 13,000 suicides per year, according to the Brazilian Yearbook of Public Safety 2021. NAPsi brought to the dialogue a social worker, psychologists and a psychiatrist.
Invited for the event, Rodolfo Petrelli, PhD in Psychology from the Universitá Pontíficia Salesiana Roma (Pontificial University Salesiana Roma), approached the theme from the perspective of desire. Italian, he went into exile in Brazil in 1973. He began his participation with a forceful quote: "without desire for life, death approaches". He spoke of the power of desire in its ludic dimensions, of a constructive pleasure without impositions, be they cultural, organizational, or familial.
Other points addressed by the expert were spirituality, tolerance of diversities, respect for time, and courage. "Without spirituality, desire is demonic. Courage is in hope, which is not a daydream. It is something deep, it is life force. God does not exist. God is. We are sparks of God's desire," he stressed.
According to the mediator of the live, the psychiatrist Wordney Camarço, suicide is an urgent demand. He stressed the increasing incidence of deaths by suicide in Brazil and worldwide. A concern shared by the other professionals present. Camarço also said that the Center offers a vanguard service. "Our function is to welcome and accompany the sick employee. Within NAPsi there is no technical hierarchy, each one of us can assist whoever comes to us". The psychiatrist informed that in 35.8% of the deaths by suicide people suffer from some mental disorder. Bipolarity, depression, substance use disorders were some of the factors mentioned by the specialists that can lead to suicide. The psychologists Tássio Soares de Oliveira, Janaína Rodrigues de Araújo, Ana Beatriz Dupré, and the social worker Silvaneide Tavares also spoke.
The coordinator of NAPsi, the psychologist Barbara Camargo, gave a brief account of the history of the Center's implementation and her satisfaction in being part of the team. NAPsi was established by Resolution No. 27, of June 24th, 2020, unanimously approved by the Full Court and inaugurated on November 10th, 2020. "NAPsi was structured to welcome, receive these people in distress and prevent psychosocial illnesses." She thanked the Presidency of the TJTO, Esmat, Internal General's Office of Justice, and the Health Committee for holding the event. "Yellow September is an invitation to reflection and to make the community aware of a subject still so permeated with stigmas and taboos," concluded Barbara, who illustrated her speech with the poem "Secret Evil", by Raimundo Correia.
In the occasion, NAPsi's telephone contacts were given to those who need the Center's services: (63) 3901-9052/9053.
This Wednesday (September 22nd), the programming of the 1st Yellow September Week of the Judiciary will hold the blood donation drive (those interested should look for the van parked in front of the headquarters of TJTO, from 1pm to 5:30pm). And ending the activities, on Thursday (September 23rd), at 6pm, the Big Class with the Personal Academy team will be held and gifts will be given away, also in the parking lot in front of the Court.