I "OWNERSHIP, Property and Land Regularization in the State of Tocantins" seminar discusses the historical conjuncture of brazilian territorial occupation

The historical context of land occupations in Brazil, from the colonial period with the sesmaries, through the parochial titles and ending with the disorderly occupations and invasions, as well as the role of the kudiciary in conflict mediation were the topics discussed during the I Possession, Property and Land Regularization in the State of Tocantins Seminar, promoted by the Judiciary of the State of Tocantins, through the Superior School of the Judges of the State of Tocantins (ESMAT). The event took place this Friday (3rd) morning, via virtual platforms.

For Judge João Rigo Guimarães, president of the Court of Justice of the State of Tocantins, the theme of the seminar still needs a lot of debate between the Judiciary and the society. “We have a lot of difficulty regarding both urban and rural property. There is a lot of irregularity, a lot of possession and few titles, and this is a very disturbing situation. We, besides this responsability, have been doing very interesting work through the Nucleus of Prevention and Land Regularization (NUPREF)”, he affirmed.

For Judge Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, general Para a desembargadora Etelvina Maria Sampaio Felipe, Chief of Justice, the presence of the Judiciary in facing the land regularization, as an inspiration of this public policy, brings security to the public administrators in the whole procedure and contributes immensely to the social inclusion of the families of our Tocantins. “The land regularization brings legal security, avoids social and judicial conflicts, contributes to the socio-economic development of the region, rescues the citizenship and the dignity of the person when realizing the first dream of the Brazilian family, which is to have their housing and their property rights assured”.

Representing the Brazilian Bar Association Tocantins Sectional, the attorney Janay Garcia, vice president of the entity, recalled that land ownership in Brazil, in a disorganized way, is a decades-old problem that has been intensifying. “Over the years, we have these conflicts debated both in the rural and in the urban areas, which need to be reviwed and regulated, and it is with this in mind that this event comes to work and discuss about the regularization of the land situation in our country and in our region”, she recalled. Mr. Onercy Neto, Land Regularization Director of the Tocantins Land Institute (ITERTINS), reinforced that the partnership between the executive and the judiciary strenghtens the them in the State of Tocantins. “With the union of forces of the executive power together with the judiciary, we will be able to accomplish the public policy of land regularization in our State”, he stated.

For the Judge Wellington Magalhães, Deputy Director of Esmat and coordinator of the seminar, holding the event in distance learning mode increases the scope of participants not only from the State of Tocantins, but also from other states in Brazil. “Esmat, from and through this Seminar, fulfills, once again, its institutional mission of bringing knowledge to Judges, public servers and the entire legal community of our State and Brazil.

The Seminar’s program included the lectures Landholding Regularization as a factor for Brazil’s Development, given by professor Tiago Machado Burtet, in the area of Real Estate Law; Environmental Aspects of Landholding Regularization, by Vinicius Salomão de Aquino, chief advisor of the Normazation Advisory of the General Office of the Federal State Prosecution (FSP); and Landholding Regularization and Citizenship. “Advances and Challenges in the State of Tocantins”, by the magistrate Océlio Nobre, Assistant Judge of the Office of the President of CJTO.


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